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Colorado Cognitive Assessment (CoCA) Instruction and Scoring Manual

Table of Contents

General Instructions and Scoring Guidelines
1. Prospective Memory Test
2. Shape Trail Test
3. Verbal List Learning Test
4. Figure Copy
5. Animal Fluency
6. Lexical Fluency
7. Test of Working Memory
8. Test of Focused Attention
9. Clock Command
10. Clock Copy
11. Similarities
12. Number Symbol Matching Test
13. Verbal Naming Test
14. Orientation
15. Verbal List Learning Delayed Recall
16. Verbal List Learning Yes/No Recognition
17. Verbal List Learning Forced Choice Recognition
18. Figure Delayed Recall
19. Prospective Memory Test Delayed Recall
20. Test of Functional Abilities

General Instructions and Scoring Guidelines

The CoCA is made up of 20 items. Items have a total score and various process scores. Item scores are combined using a CFA model to arrive at the CoCA global z-score. There is an additional supplement to assist with scoring of process variables. Process variables are not reflected in the global score of the CoCA. Specific process variables are identified for items; the examiner can use the process variables supplement to indicate the presence and number of item-specific qualitative features.

In general, each correct response receives one point unless otherwise specified. Items that are not scored are indicated as such in this manual and their scoring sections are greyed out on the CoCA.

Examiners are encouraged not to affirm or respond to examinee’s responses. If the examinee makes a mistake, do not correct them, unless otherwise specified.

No additional materials besides a pen and a stopwatch are needed for the CoCA. All stimulus materials needed for administration of the CoCA are available as supplemental pages. Please try and record examinee’s responses verbatim as much as possible.

1. Prospective Memory Test

Materials Needed



Suppose you have to look at a bank statement in a little while. When I say that the test is over, I want you to remind me that you have to look a bank statement.


This item is not scored

(If examinee reminds you about looking at bank statement after the shape trail test, restate instructions and emphasize that the reminder only has to occur when the examiner states that the test is over.)

2. Shape Trail Test

Adapted from Zhao et al., 2013

Materials Needed

Supplement 1 and stopwatch


Here (point to stimulus), you see numbers in circles and squares. I want you to draw a line from 1 in the square to the 2 in the circle to the 3 in the square (keep pointing) and just like that alternating between square and circle in ascending order of the numbers until you reach the end here (point). You will have two minutes. Ready? Go!

Shape Trail Test


3. Verbal List Learning Test

Materials Needed



I am going to read you a list of words. When I am done, I want you to tell me all the words you remember, in any order. Ready? (read list at 1 word per second). Now, tell me all the words you remember.

Repeat twice: I am going to read you the same list of words one more time. When I am done, tell me all the words you remember, including the ones you have already told me before. You can tell me the words in any order.

At the end of the test: Try and keep these words in mind because you may be asked about them at the end of the test.


4. Figure Copy

Materials Needed

Supplement 2 and stopwatch


I want you to copy this figure as accurately as you can in the space below. You will have two minutes. Ready? Go!

Figure Copy


5. Animal Fluency

Materials Needed

Supplement 3 and stopwatch


Now, I am going to give you one minute to name as many animals as you can. Ready? Go!


6. Lexical Fluency

Materials Needed

Supplement 3 and stopwatch


Now, we are going to do something a little different. I am going to give you one minute to name as many words as you can think of that belong to a particular letter of the alphabet that I will tell you in a moment. You can say any kind of word you like except for proper nouns (like Bob or Boston), numbers, or words that the have the same beginning but different endings (like play, player, playing). Ok, now you have one minute to name as many words as you can think of that begin with the letter “S”


7. Test of Working Memory

Materials Needed



I am going to read you some numbers and letters. When I am done, I want you tell me all the numbers, in the reverse order of their presentation. Lets start with a sample (read one letter/digit per second):

If correct, move on to the test items.

If incorrect, say - I said 5Q0L3; the order of the presented numbers was 503, so backwards it would be 305. Understood? Ok, I am going to move on to the test item.


8. Test of Focused Attention

Materials Needed

Optional: standardized audio recording of stimulus. Alternatively, examiners can read the stimulus to the examinee.

Audio Recording


I am going to read you a list of words. When I say eyes, you say see. When I say nose, you say smell. If I say a different word, do not say anything. Understand? Ready? (Read words below in order at the rate of 1 word/second).

Eyes; aisle; note; iron; nose; small; eyes; seat; note; nose; hose; nod; aisle; eyes; seat; nod; nose; eyes; aisle; nose; small; eyes; nod; iron; note; eyes; seat; lies; nose; aisle; iron; note; lies; nose; small; hose; eyes; nose; aisle; lies; hose; note

If the participant forgets instructions during the task, remind once quickly, but keep going with the task and do not restart the task.


9. Clock Command

Materials Needed

Supplement 4


I want you to draw the face of a clock with all the numbers in it and have the time showing ten after 11.

Scoring: see below

10. Clock Copy

Materials Needed

Supplement 5


Now, I want you to copy this clock as accurately as possible in the space below.

Scoring for Clock Copy and Command

11. Similarities

Materials Needed



Now I am going to ask you some questions about how two things are alike. (Read sample item below)


How are a potato and an onion alike?

Answer: vegetables.

If correct, say: Yes, they are vegetables (Move on to test items)

No answer or incorrect answer: Can you think of another way in which they are alike? They are vegetables.


  1. How are television and radio alike?
    • 2 point: modes of entertainment/information/communication/media
    • 1 point: electric/electrical; play/give out/broadcast signals, sound, news, or music; receive/transmit signals electronically
    • 0 point: send words/visions
  2. How are tall and short alike?
    • 2 point: ways of describing height/size/measurement/length/persons stature
    • 1 point: variations/opposites of a dimension/scale
    • 0 point: not alike; opposites; antonyms; descriptors; adjectives


12. Number Symbol Matching Test

Materials Needed

Supplements 6A (Written) and 6B (Oral) and stopwatch


If administering both Written and Oral versions, administer the written version (Supplement 6A) before the Oral version (Supplement 6B).

Written version

Here, (point to the key), you see two rows; there are symbols in the top row and the bottom row consists of corresponding numbers. Each symbol has its own number.

Now, here (point), you see rows that have symbols in the top part and are empty in the bottom part. I want you fill in the empty boxes with their corresponding numbers.

Look at the first symbol (point to first symbol on Sample). I look at this symbol, then look at the key. The symbol matches the number 3. So I go ahead and put that in the empty box below the symbol. (write 3 below the first symbol on the Sample)

Look at the next symbol (point to the second symbol on Sample). I look at this symbol, then look at the key. The symbol matches the number 7. So I go ahead and put that in the empty box below the symbol. (write 7 below the second symbol on the Sample)

Look at the next symbol (point to the third symbol on Sample). I look at this symbol, then look at the key. The symbol matches the number 9. So I go ahead and put that in the empty box below the symbol. (write 9 below the third symbol on the Sample)

Now, I want to you to fill in the boxes until this heavily shaded line. Go ahead.

Allow examinee to fill in practice items. Make corrections if necessary.

Now, I am going to give you 30 seconds to fill in as many boxes as you can. Begin here (point) and fill in as many boxes as possible, without skipping any. When you finish one row move on to the next row. Continue working until I ask you to stop. Ready? Go!

Oral Version

Now, we are going to do the same thing a little differently. I want you verbally state the numbers that match the presented symbols.

For example, look at the first symbol (point to first symbol on Sample). I look at this symbol, then look at the key. The symbol matches the number 3. So I want you to say 3.

Now, I am going to give you 30 seconds to state as many numbers matching the presented symbols as fast as you can. When you finish one row move on to the next row. Continue working until I ask you to stop. Ready? Go!

Number Symbol Matching Test


13. Verbal Naming Test

Adapted from Yochim et al. (2015)

Materials Needed



Now, we are going to do something different. I am going to describe an object or a verb and I want you to tell me the name of what I am describing. (Read test item as presented)

Allow examinee 10 seconds to respond. If examinee gives an incorrect response, say No, its something else.

If incorrect or no response is provided in 10 seconds, provide the phonemic cue by saying, It starts with the sound… (pronounce the underlined part of the answer).

If incorrect or response is provided after 10 seconds from the phonemic cue, proceed to next item


  1. What ice does when it gets hot (Melt)
  2. What you use to measure how many inches something is (Ruler)
  3. A long, sever snowstorm (Blizzard)
  4. What you put your head on to sleep at night (Pillow)
  5. The part of your shirt that covers your arms (Sleeves)
  6. A person who works at a drug store to fill prescriptions (Pharmacist)
  7. A moving set of stairs (Escalator)
  8. A device that measures temperature (Thermometer)
  9. What do you do to a pencil or knife that becomes dull (Sharpen)
  10. A place people go to gamble money (Casino)
  11. When you take a deep breath when you’re sleepy or bored (Yawn)
  12. A baby cow (Calf)
  13. The desert plant that has spikes (Cactus)
  14. A toy that has a string and floats in the air when it is windy (Kite)
    • If examinee says balloon, state: “can you think of another word?”
  15. The poison a snake uses to kill its prey (Venom)


14. Orientation

Materials Needed



Ask questions in order presented below.

What is the…

  1. Date?
  2. Month?
  3. Year?
  4. Day of week?
  5. Place?
  6. City?
  7. State? (or other relevant territory)
  8. President of the country? (or other relevant leader)


15. Verbal List Learning Delayed Recall

Materials Needed



A little while ago, I read you a list of words. Please tell me all the words you remember from that list. (Write examinee’s responses verbatim, including any additional words that the examinee may state).

For the words not recalled on Delayed Recall, state: One of the words I read to you was a type of… (e.g., automobile). Do you remember that word? (See below for categories)


See below

16. Verbal List Learning Yes/No Recognition

Materials Needed



Now I am going to read you some more words. Some of these words were on the list I read to you earlier, and others are new words that you have not heard before. For each word, I want you tell me in Yes or No, whether you think the word was on the list. Was (word) on the list? Yes or No?

  1. Foot
  2. Table
  3. River
  4. Store
  5. Square
  6. Desk
  7. Hand
  8. Car
  9. Market
  10. Artist
  11. Rectangle
  12. Stream
  13. Bus
  14. Teacher


See below

17. Verbal List Learning Forced Choice Recognition

Materials Needed



Which word was on the list?

  1. Was it seven or car?
  2. Was it fight or teacher
  3. Was it television or foot
  4. Was it market or voice
  5. Was it desk or country
  6. Was it game or square
  7. Was it river or education


Scoring for all Verbal List Learning Items

18. Figure Delayed Recall

Materials Needed

Supplement 7 and stopwatch


A little while ago, you copied a figure. Now, I would like you draw as much of that figure as you remember now. If you remember a part and are not sure where it goes, put it anywhere. Try and draw as much of it as you remember until I ask you to stop. You will have two minutes. Ready? Go!

If examinee starts to draw a clock, remind him/her that he/she copied another figure as well.


19. Prospective Memory Test Delayed Recall

Materials Needed



The test is over. (Wait to see if the examinee responds by saying that he or she has to look at a bank statement; do not provide any hints or look expectantly).


20. Test of Functional Abilities

Materials Needed

Supplement 8

20A. Instructions

(Show examinee bank statement and say) Suppose you have to pay your utilities bill of $189.75. This is your bank statement. Do you have enough money in your account to make this payment?

If the examinee says No, move on to item 20B.

If the examinee says Yes, say You actually do not have enough money in your account to make this payment. Then move on to item 20B.

20A. Scoring

20B. Instructions

What will happen if you make this payment from your account anyway?

After the examinee’s response, ask, anything else? and record any additional responses.

20B. Scoring


Global Cognition

A global composite score can be obtained using our online scoring program, available at


Coding of errors, process variables, and behavioral observations can be facilitated with Supplement 9.


Creative Commons License
The Colorado Cognitive Assessment is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Copyright (C) 2019 Ashita Gurnani and Brandon Gavett